the civet - producer of cat poop coffee

Cat Poop Coffee and Other Strange Flavours!

During an extensive career of advertising, publishing and content creation, one of the things you are constantly told is to engage an audience with a headline. If you think we’ve lost the plot with this particular headline, you couldn’t be more wrong. While our coffee tastes are possibly a little ‘vanilla‘ by comparison to some of the flavours that the more die-hard connoisseur can get their hands on, we thought we’d share some of the more weird and wonderful coffees you can try. If you do try the cat poop coffee, you’re going to need to let us know how it tastes and we’ll take your word for it.

Kopi Luwak – Cat Poop Coffee 

Let’s start with possibly the strangest of them all – the Cat Poop Coffee, or to give it its proper name: Kopi Luwak. Now, the big surprise here is the price tag costing up to $100 per kilo! Warning – before you start feeding coffee beans to your cat in a bid to pay your energy bills this winter, let’s be clear when we explain that this is a special type of cat found in Indonesia. 

The Civet is a cat like creature that consumes coffee beans and magically changes them into a more flavourful coffee during the digestive process. That’s right, you have to wait for the Civet to poop before you make your coffee! 

It’s one of the strongest cups of coffee you will find and varies in priced depending on whether it is farmed or wild. We don’t encourage the practise of drinking the farmed variety though as the animals should be left well alone – in the wild. 

Monkey Spit Coffee

One could be forgiven for thinking that we are not taking our coffee seriously but yet again, Monkey Spit coffee is an actual thing. Now it’s an almost literal translation too, just like the cat poop coffee, as the coffee is produced from beans that have been spat out by monkeys. 

Taiwanese farmers are actually collecting the remains of these coffee beans, kindly discarded after a good chewing by the Taiwanese macaque, and in doing so actually saving the species. Once an almost extinct species, they are now heavily protected and spitting out coffee beans to produce a cup of vanilla like scented coffee that costs around $56 per pound. 

And, if you were wondering what type of a bean a money eats, it turns out that they do have a preference. It would appear that they prefer Arabica beans to Rustica and beans that are darker in colour.

Black Ivory Coffee – Elephant Dung Coffee

Oops we did it again! More poop coffee!  Elephant dung coffee is a popular drink enjoyed in Thailand and costing around $1100 per kilo. The elephants digestive process is said to remove the bitterness for a super smooth cup of coffee! We’re still struggling to get past the poop.

Coffee beans are extracted from elephant dung

Also, picking through Civet faeces is one thing but spare a thought for those that have to extract the beans from elephant dung. It’s not something that is on our Christmas list, that’s for sure.

Snake Coffee

Even typing the word snake is difficult so you won’t find any images of them with this article. Snake coffee, following the same concept as the civet and the elephant, is produced from beans that have been digested by snakes. I mean you could pay us all the money in the world – we won’t be trying it anytime soon! Bat poop coffee is also a thing as is monkey poop coffee too!

Kopi-Joss – Charcoal Coffee

Another Indonesia coffee, demonstrating just how popular coffee culture is in this country, the Kopi-Joss is a regular coffee served with a lump of red hot coal!  

This coffee is said to be good for settling stomach aches and is typically enjoyed by locals while sat on a mat at the end of a busy day. 

Mushroom Coffee

This particular type of coffee seems to be enjoying being the subject of somewhat of a trend. 

Note – you cannot just add mushrooms to your coffee. It takes a certain type of mushroom, ground up and added to the coffee. The mushrooms used in this particular coffee include chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps. Known for their health properties, these mushrooms won’t make your coffee taste amazing but they do offer the same benefits of coffee with less caffeine. 

Want to try mushroom coffee for yourself? You can find it online at many different sources including Amazon which sell many different brands including the one pictured below

And more…

Alongside the more extreme coffees we’ve mentioned above you will also find many other weird and wonderful flavours, many of which we don’t actually mind the sound of. A few of which we have listed below:

  • Ginger Coffee – coffee, smashed ginger and coarse palm sugar 
  • Espresso Mazarano (add a slice of lemon to an espresso)
  • Yuanyang – mix coffee, tea and condensed milk (yes really) 
  • Egg coffee – coffee, sugar, add an egg
  • Coconut coffee – add 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil to your coffee 

These are just a few – there are many more. What’s the weirdest coffee you have tried? We’d love to hear from you. In the meantime, we are off to brew a pot of Boostr coffee because as much as we love our coffee, we feel there are some things that we just don’t need to try ;-).

About CoffeeCode

This article is written by the team at CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee website.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.

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