
This man built a guitar out of 5000 coffee beans. The ultimate coffee shop music?

Really, a coffee bean guitar? There’s plenty of things you can do with coffee, and statistically speaking the most common use for coffee beans is making coffee. Trust us on this one, we just can’t find the data right now. But don’t fret, we won’t string you along any more.


Youtuber and guitarist Burls Art is a self-described “guitartist” – someone who makes art out of guitars.

He’s made guitars out of pretty random stuff in the past, including a Skateboard Guitar, A Saltcaster Salt Guitar, a Pencil Guitar, a Paper Guitar, and last but not least, a Shovel Guitar.

Naturally, all this guitar building leaves him heavily dependant on coffee, so perhaps it was a natural progression (ha!) to head over to the coffee bean cupboard and start building a coffee guitar.

Here’s the coffee bean guitar made of 5000 real coffee beans

There’s a song to be written about it somewhere.

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About CoffeeCode

This article was written by Gregg Romano who is the founder of CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee blog.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.


All credit to, and information from the coffee bean guitar guy:

Burls Art

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