
Be more Frank and Honest: You can’t fake great tasting coffee

“These days, everyone wants to be green. But being green isn’t something you should fake. In a world of fakery, we need to be more Frank and Honest.”


Frank and Honest Video Ad

A couple of years ago, Frank and Honest, the Irish coffee brand owned by Musgrave launched a new campaign. The message was simple. “Be more Frank and Honest… You can’t fake great tasting coffee”.

The idea was also simple. Young people are tired of fake “marketing scenarios” they are bombarded with, so Frank and Honest’s ads were a tongue-in-cheek response to the pretty unrealistic ads that appear everywhere.

McDonald’s had a different take on the same scenario a couple of years ago. Check it out.

Now, at the tender age of 5 years old, Frank and Honest is the biggest takeaway coffee brand in Ireland. Not bad for a newbie.

‘In a world of fakery’ was created by THINKHOUSE, “a youth marketing company”. They specialise in helping brands understand and connect with youth audiences. Check them out.

Rosemary Walsh, Marketing Manager at Frank and Honest says; “We’re not here to just be another coffee brand, we’re here to deliver the best tasting coffee in a way that is light on the planet. Sometimes, that means we’ve to go out and find new ways to do things and I think that our approach to advertising is just one other way we’re doing that. Working with our partners in THINKHOUSE, we delivered a low-carbon campaign that I believe has high-entertainment value, whilst telling the story of what matters to us – honesty, sustainability and community.”

Want to know more about Frank and Honest, and their sourcing, supply chain and packaging practises? Visit

“These days, everyone wants to be green. But being green isn’t something you should fake. In a world of fakery, we need to be more Frank and Honest.”

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About CoffeeCode

This article was written by Gregg Romano who is the founder of CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee blog.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.


All credit to, and information from:

Frank and Honest


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