The new Azkoyen EyeTracking Coffee Machine: Order coffee with your eyes!

The Azkoyen EyeTracking Coffee Machine has got us genuinely torn: is it merely a gimmick, or will we be ordering coffee this way in the future?


Why do we need an Eye Operated Coffee Machine?

azkoyen eyetracking coffee machine

It all started with COVID-19 and the need to reduce touch points for hygiene reasons. We’ve seen a rash of different options pop up, from app-controlled machines to “distance selection” interfaces.

Coffetek, a brand of Azkoyen, has already pioneered the distance selection, so why do we need a system that you control with your eyes?

In short, according to Azkoyen:

  • 66% of consumers prefer to use non-contact instead of the alternative touch solutions
  • Both companies have combined their pioneering technology to jointly develop the first example of eyetracking technology for interacting with devices
  • Infrared-based eyetracking technology captures the user’s gaze, being able to calculate the exact point the user is looking at to control the machine without the need for physical contact

“Currently, this machine is an advanced prototype. From hereon in, the application of this technology to make people’s lives easier is now a reality. It is an inclusive and Covid-free product that provides the user with full freedom of interaction, in a very natural way, and also allows people with reduced mobility to lead more independent lives.”

The Vitro M5 Coffee Machine with the Irisbond EyeTracking interface

The Vitro M5 Coffee machine stands in the background, while the screen to the right contains the coffee menu. The bar underneath the screen is the Irisbond EyeTracker. You gaze with intent at your desired drink and meanwhile, booooom, out it comes.

The Azkoyen EyeTracking coffee machine video

We found this video on LinkedIn, if you don’t understand Spanish it doesn’t make much sense, but you can clearly see how it works. Head over there and check it out.

Time for the Azkoyen Press Release:

Juanje Alberdi, CEO of Azkoyen Group’s Coffee & Vending Systems and Payment Technologies says: “We are very pleased and excited about this agreement, as it allows us to be part of a new environment and to make rapid progress in meeting the needs of the consumer of the future.  It opens up new ways to offer an improved user experience, new possibilities for interaction and guides the user towards a new form of consumerism. Continuing with the touchless trend, we already developed and patented the Distance Selection technology during the pandemic, which allows products to be selected without the need for physical contact with the surface of the machine. This partnership with Irisbond takes us a step further, in order to bring more value to customers and users”.

The CoffeeCode verdict on the new Azkoyen EyeTracking Coffee Machine

It’s a bold concept, and it has some potentially mainstream applications, particularly for those with reduced mobility.

But for mainstream use? It’s just a gimmick.

And don’t, whatever you do, look over my shoulder while I’m ordering a flat white. I don’t want the americano that you’re looking at.

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About CoffeeCode

This article is by Gregg Romano who is the founder of CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee blog.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.


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