
The FinalPress – is this the easiest way to brew coffee and tea?

The FinalPress: Is this the simplest way to brew real coffee? Press the plunger to brew your coffee anywhere. And it works with tea.

It’s gone nuts on Kickstarter, and at the time of writing has raised a staggering $405,985 of a $7,000 goal. Not bad, eh?


Press the FinalPress plunger to brew your coffee anywhere

Before you go too far, just have a look at the video.

The FinalPress is portable, simple, and has no filters or pods

The FinalPress replaces bulky brewing gear while making great coffee, with minimal time and effort. It’s made of high-quality, super-lightweight stainless steel, making it easy to use and very portable.

It brews directly in your coffee cup, because who likes extra faff or mess? Going camping? take it along.

How do you use the FinalPress?

1: Add Coffee

2: Stir

3: Plunge

How do you clean the FinalPress?

It’s pretty simple: When you’re finished brewing, give the plunger a good squeeze outside the glass or mug to dry out the grounds. Throw them in your peely bin (or on the ground or on your campfire) and then rinse the whole thing. Done.

And it’s not just for coffee

In summary, the it’s pretty versatile, it works well for cold brew and tea as well. And, for cold brew, it comes with a stainless steel jar lid that fits on a mason jar. Instead of hot water, just use cold and leave the whole lot in the fridge overnight. Done.

Where can I buy the FinalPress?

They’re not widely available yet, although if you ordered on Kickstarter you’ll have got yours already. You can still pre order them on Kickstarter now, but no updates about when they’ll be widely available.

Finalpress Review

So, we’ve not found any decent FinalPress reviews yet, and we’ve not seen it ourselves either. Finalpress – can we test one please?

Here are some more pictures – enjoy!

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About CoffeeCode

This article was written by Gregg Romano who is the founder of CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee blog.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.


All credit to, and information from:

FinalPress on Kickstarter

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