
Have you heard? Drinking coffee could help prevent hearing loss (if you’re a man)

Had you heard that coffee can prevent hearing loss? Most of us don’t need an excuse to drink coffee, but when a study comes along which just proves you should be drinking more, it’s a wonderful feeling knowing you’ve been doing the right thing all along.


In case you missed it, there are loads of good reasons to drink coffee. You can read more about coffee, caffeine and a bunch of other gripping coffee-related trivia in this article. Just do it, friends.

Give me the rundown

Researchers have found that men who drink at least one cup of coffee a day were 15 per cent less likely to lose their hearing than those who don’t drink coffee.

The study, which covers a sample of 37,000 people, suggests that coffee may have beneficial effects on hearing because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Caffeinated or decaf didn’t seem to make any difference, and neither does the brew method.

Coffee prevents Hearing Loss, but only for men!

Strangely enough, there was no link between coffee consumption and hearing function found in women, which the researchers said could be down to differences in physiology. High levels of the hormone oestrogen, more prevalent in women, protects against age-related hearing loss which means the impact of coffee on hearing in women would be “less relevant.”

The study monitored the coffee intake of almost 37,000 middle-aged and older men and women over the course of 11 years.

Their hearing was checked at the start of the study, and again in two follow-ups, and the results were analysed in a way that took into account the potential effects on hearing of other health and lifestyle factors, such a whether they smoked or had been exposed to loud noises.

While the results showed that men who drank between one and four and a half cups of coffee a day were less likely to experience disabling hearing loss, Dr Marcos Machado-Fragua (who was part of the research team) warned that coffee “should not be consumed to excess in a bid to prevent hearing loss, especially in people who have health problems related to caffeine consumption”.

Hear, hear!

Speaking of caffeine consumption, you’ll find these articles pretty interesting:

How much caffeine is there in a cup of coffee?

The four main methods used to decaffeinate coffee

and finally…

How much caffeine is there in decaf coffee?

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About CoffeeCode

This article was written by Gregg Romano who is the founder of CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee blog.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.


All credit to, and information from:

The study is available online here:

The cover image is by the talented Javier Perez, whose website is worthy of a good browse.

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