k+ coffee k plus

K+ Coffee: Baby Boomers, move over. This is exclusively for us Gen-Z’s and Millennials

K+ Coffee is a brand-spanking-new coffee start-up, and it’s targeting the most neglected, under-appreciated and misunderstood generation of them all. Gen-Z’s. (and Millennials, but even Millennials are getting a bit old now)


Seth Godin writes very eloquently about the Minimum Viable Audience, and we think that K+ Coffee has nailed it quite neatly. It’s not appealing to the masses; it’s there specifically for Gen-Z and Millennials drinking coffee at home, and aims to “provide the younger generation with pioneering coffee solutions to suit their contemporary lifestyle”.

K+ Coffee’s flagship product: Drip Coffee Bags

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Single serve pourover coffee bags are becoming more mainstream these days, the idea being that you rip it open, hang it on your cup and pour hot water over it. Boooom. Freshly made coffee with no mess and fuss. Perfect us time-starved, uber-busy people.

The packaging is very bright, very “instagrammable”. We like it. They’re packing each individual bag with nitrogen to keep it fresh.

K+ Coffee Beans

If you still prefer grinding and brewing your own coffee, no problem. K+ Coffee have it covered as well.

“All our K+ beans are freshly roasted in the UK by the most environmentally-friendly roasting machine on the market, up to 80% gas savings compared to conventional coffee roasters. Our ethically sourced coffee beans go through a precision blending and tracking system before being properly air-cooled and rested post roasting for the flavours to open up.”

The packaging, as you’d expect by now, isn’t very traditional. Check it out.

So, there ya have it, folks. A coffee brand that’s quirky, different, and very untraditional.

Want to know more? Head over to https://ilovekplus.com/ and see what you think.

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About CoffeeCode

This article was written by Gregg Romano who is the founder of CoffeeCode, the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting coffee blog.  CoffeeCode has a focus on great coffee, inspirational design and sustainability.


All credit to, and information from:

K+ Coffee

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